Privacy Policy

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Yaraya uses cookies to remember your settings, analyze traffic and to create the best content.

A cookie is a small textfile, that is stored in your browser to recognize your computer at returning visits.
There is no personal information hidden in our cookies and thay can’t contain virus. Cookies delete themselves after a number of months (the time can vary), but they are renewed at every visit.

Yaraya uses cookies from Google Analytics to measure the traffic on the website.
To make it possible to share on social media cookies from social medias are used. The social medias are at the moment Facebook.

Personal information are used to process the purchase or service that the information was collected for, like billing, information and delivery of the product. The information is also used to gain more knowledge about you and the other users of the website.
The use can contain studies and analyzes, that are made to improve our products, so they can be specified to your interests and needs.

Personal information will not be given to third parties, unless the police or other authorities demands it.